Cappuccinos, Lattes, and Pizza, Oh My!
Today is our last day in Kiev for a while, since we’re flying to Simferopol tomorrow morning at 9:50. The director and one of his translators are accompanying us. A driver will drive all of us to Yalta for our Monday morning appointment at the orphanage.
So, today is scheduled for hanging out, drinking lots of coffee, and trekking to the pizza place to catch up on the last of our e-mails.
It’s rainy and cloudy. We’re struggling to be optimistic about Monday morning (because we’re bracing for a let-down), but we’re in much better shape than a couple of days ago.
Dan’s happy about Yalta’s history…and eager to explore. We’ve been told we’ll need swim suits (which we didn’t bring) to truly experience the Black Sea.
One day away from meeting our potential daughter. It feels so surreal.