That’s the title of a song on Mason Jennings’ latest CD Minnesota. Confession: Dan and I love Mason. In fact, we’re hitting up another one of his concerts in December. I’m sending you to The Current (89.3) site to see him in action. Start with “Raindrops on the Kitchen Floor.” Isn’t he irresistible? In other […]
Poem & Mason Jennings Encore
I’ve been pondering this poem the last few days, attempting to decipher it–in the sense that I’m not quite sure what Milosz really believes in the end. Thought you’d like a crack at it. “Religion Comes” Religion comes from our pity for humans They are too weak to live without divine protection. Too weak to […]
Displays of the Season
So much to tell you. On Friday, Liliana and I went to the Macy’s annual Christmas display–“A Day in the Life of an Elf,” where she was beside herself that she couldn’t walk into the exhibits. She got her first glimpse at Santa. Her take on him? “Scary, Mama!” Then a stroll around Gaviidae Commons […]
Winners of the Funky Giveaway
A couple of days ago, I held a Funky Giveaway. I’m happy to announce my sisters in funkiness: Carrie H. Karen K. Worthy Marie To all those who entered, thank you! For those of you who won, if you’ll e-mail me at comment4elissa at gmail dot com with your address, I’ll send your gift along. […]
Jesus, Are You Real?
Dan and I are fans of Mason Jennings, having seen him three times now in concert–once with Jack Johnson, whom we also love. There’s a realness and mellowness about him that can’t be beat with other performers, and we think he’s much better in person than he is on his CDs. Check him out sometime. […]