Apologies to those of you who were hoping for a recipe due to the title of today’s post, but hopefully you’ll leave happier than before. Dan and I have always loved this song–the laziness of it, the wishfulness of it. Lounging around, eating banana pancakes, pretending it’s the weekend, which as you know, it’s not, […]
I’ve said it before, but I long for the day I’ll have a little time to pick up knitting needles again. Seriously, it’s like finger yoga. Last night, Dan and I had a splendid time sitting and talking out on the deck, kept warm by the roaring fire. We came in as the sky darkened, […]
If You Want to Write
Last Thursday evening, at my Rochester Art Center reading, a woman asked, “When did you start calling yourself an author?” It’s a good question, one that, I’m sure, every artist asks him- or herself. Does the label come with the simple act of writing? Do you accept the label when you’ve become published…or won an […]
Catchy Tune
It’s time for some music. After all, it’s Friday, and you need to dance a little, shake out all those stresses from the week. [Okay, I do!] This song is from the beginning of the movie Juno. I dare you to keep still. Have a great weekend!