Poem & Mason Jennings Encore
I’ve been pondering this poem the last few days, attempting to decipher it–in the sense that I’m not quite sure what Milosz really believes in the end.
Thought you’d like a crack at it.
“Religion Comes”
Religion comes from our pity for humans
They are too weak to live without divine protection.
Too weak to listen to the screeching noise of the turning of infernal wheels.
Who among us would accept a universe in which there was not one voice
Of compassion, pity, understanding?
To be human is to be completely alien amid the galaxies.
Which is sufficient reason for erecting, together with others, the temples of an unimaginable mercy.
–Czeslaw Milosz
And finally, a song for you, this snow-on-the-way day. An encore Mason Jennings did at his concert this past Saturday. “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” Very Christmasy.
Love to you all.