Hello, you! Do you need a little lovin’? Some inspiration? Art for your soul? Music for your day? Well, today is your lucky day! My first offering is Lovely Design’s March Pattern for your computer desktop. You’ll notice that it was ostensibly made for the month of March, and we’re obviously heading into April, but […]
What Magnificence Surrounds Us
“To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.” –William Blake, in “Auguries of Innocence” And this, from the final pages of Eve.
Standing In It
Sometimes we’re simply standing in it–whether it be discouragement, sadness, anger, frustration, boredom, stagnation–and all we do is wonder when it will be over. Because then life will be better. Then we’ll be beautiful and smart and gosh-darn-it, people will like us! Then we’ll do and say fabulous things. Then we’ll be on top of […]
Why We Do What We Do
You know, I got to thinking that perhaps this is a horrid time to do this to you. Instead of giving you an uplifting, inspirational, pre-Easter review, I’m giving you a why-do-you-do-what-you-do kind of piece, and that might ruffle a few feathers. If so, feel free to ignore this post. You won’t hurt my feelings. […]
Hand Wash Cold
A quiet, gentle introduction to an exquisite book. I took off work one day in January to read a galley copy of it. It took my breath away. Order your copy today. It’ll arrive before Easter, just in time for some spring cleaning–inside and out. Come back here on Monday, April 5th, and I’ll tell […]