Remember the lovely Naomi Shihab Nye poem I posted last Monday, about missing an opportunity because you’re blind and deaf to it? Well, here’s another test. You get another chance. Wink, wink. Please stop reading by the end of this paragraph if you truly want to challenge yourself. If you read any further, it’ll spoil […]
For us, summer evenings mean fires out on the deck, picnics by the barn, and fireflies. There’s something mesmerizing about fireflies–their gentle and unpredictable dance of twinkling lights. The whole sight makes you want to join them…or at least chase them. Here’s one of my favorites from Owl City. Ready to get your groove on? […]
Every once in a while, I like to share a few amazing finds. There are beautiful people, everywhere in this world, doing amazing, complicated things, and I’m always blown away by the diversity, the creativity. When I come upon their brilliance, I want to stop what I’m doing and go join them in their adventure. […]
Inevitable Is A Lazy Word
“It’s inevitable; there’s nothing we can do about it. I’m so tired of that word inevitable. That’s part of the vocabulary of a very lazy people.” —Wendell Berry Wendell Berry’s thoughts on the oil spill [on Religion & Ethics News Weekly]. How can we be a part of the solution? I feel almost irreverent doing […]
Rethinking the Human Narrative
Ah, it seems like it’s been so long since I’ve sat here by you, chatting. We mustn’t do this again–this whole neglecting our conversation thingamajig. I’ve just returned from Colorado Springs, where I met a group of amazing and wonderful people who are eager to collaborate in some way. [I won’t go into details here, […]