Remember the lovely Naomi Shihab Nye poem I posted last Monday, about missing an opportunity because you’re blind and deaf to it? Well, here’s another test. You get another chance. Wink, wink. Please stop reading by the end of this paragraph if you truly want to challenge yourself. If you read any further, it’ll spoil […]
Displays of the Season
So much to tell you. On Friday, Liliana and I went to the Macy’s annual Christmas display–“A Day in the Life of an Elf,” where she was beside herself that she couldn’t walk into the exhibits. She got her first glimpse at Santa. Her take on him? “Scary, Mama!” Then a stroll around Gaviidae Commons […]
Creative Family Projects
Today, since I’m in the midst of novel writing–can you detect a hint of drudgery in my voice?–I’m going to share some clever and fun DIY project ideas with you. I’ve been saving them for after my novel is done. When that manuscript gets sent off, I’m so taking some time to make some pretty […]