Okay, I can’t believe I’m talking about Santa before Thanksgiving, but I’m curious. How did (or do) any of you “deal” with Santa? Did (Do) you tell the truth? Did (Do) you not? Did (Do) you treat him like any other imaginary character–Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse, Little Einsteins, etc.? I guess it’s a passionate […]
It’s How You Say It
Have you ever wondered why your true comments weren’t received well? Have you ever thought, “Well, I did my part. I can’t help that he/she was offended”? You may be familiar with Michael Moore’s work. Certainly, he’s done enough controversial documentaries to be a polarizing figure. You either love him or hate him. But there’s […]
Fall Food
The leaves are changing, the nights are cooling, and somehow…our menu changes, too. There are apples in orchards–we’re visiting one this afternoon–and pumpkins to be picked and carved, and the last bit of summer goodness to eat. I had the best tomato salad EVER on W.A. Frost’s patio on Thursday night. I’ve always said this, […]
101 Simple Salads for the Season
Are you wondering what to do with all that fresh produce this summer? Look no further. Take a look at The New York Times, right here, for ways to spice up your summer salads. Don’t they look yummy? And simple? And on a separate topic: if you’re an indie movie lover, aching for creativity and […]
The Traces We Leave Behind
I’ll tell you what haunts me each day–how to change the world, one day at a time. I’m cognizant of this when I hold Liliana tight, read her a story, make her a healthy snack, write letters, plan a surprise, even when I’m e-mailing. I’m that aware that I’m living each moment as best I […]