Keep Walking
I love Daniel Collinsworth’s post “Finding Greatness in Your Imperfection” on his blog Metta Drum.
He includes a wonderful quote by Ram Dass, which I believe to be true.
I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion—and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies. —Ram Dass
It’s hard work reminding myself that I’m human and that I’ll make mistakes. It’s hard work to forgive myself when I’ve done something stupid. It’s hard work, this living graciously and compassionately—both with others and myself.
So, I keep walking.
[Post image: Busy Street by Canadian Sc on stock.xchng]
Beautiful words, beautiful conclusion. Yes, yes, yes. It’s hard work for me too. And reading what you share here helps me keep walking. Thank you. xox
I KNOW you keep walking, Lindsey! If anyone else isn’t familiar with Lindsey’s blog A Design So Vast, go there now!
Thank you Elissa. Wish the world was full of more love and compassion.