We all know kids who are out of control. We all know adults who are out of control. And we all don’t want to have those kids or be those adults. Enter: mindfulness. I’ve posted numerous times on this topic only because it’s extremely important to me. There’s the post on Building Emotional Intelligence, based […]
When “Dad” is Another Word for Love
One of my greatest fears about parenting, way back when, was the possibility of being a single parent in a married relationship. I know plenty of mothers who are. Maybe it hasn’t been the case with us because we agreed not to let such a thing happen. Maybe it’s because we waited 18 years to […]
Your Body Remembers What Your Mind Cannot
When I try to recall what my first memories were, I get quick uneven snapshots in my mind, nothing neatly laid out or in any recognizable order. Although I remember a few things before kindergarten (like the shapes my father used to mow in the grass for us or an old organ my great-grandmother let […]
Will You Get That Old?
I’ve posted about beauty before—or at least what makes one pretty. I’m reposting poetry slammer Katie Makkai’s “Pretty” at the end of this post, and you’ll know why I’m doing so, once you get to the end. [If you’re squeamish about the “f” word, there is one occurrence.] So. I’m taking Liliana to school the […]