We wake up reminding each other that everything will work out. Idealistic thinking? I don’t know. But it sure makes the day pass more quickly. Whatever happened to my Momma Zen moments (please see previous post by that title, if you’re stumped)? I’m trying. I’m really trying. Around noon, we head down Khreschatyk and through […]
The National Museum of Art & Ukrainian Food, Part 2
We return to the National Museum of Art to browse the top floor. We’ve saved it, knowing that we won’t get an adoption appointment today. We enter the most fabulous rooms of paintings by Georgiy Melikhov (1908-1985). In 1947, he won the Stalin prize, which speaks volumes. Back then, of course, any artist who didn’t […]
The National Museum of Art & Ukrainian Food, Part 1
I wake up crying. I’m on the tail-end of a dream about the little girl we met yesterday. I watch as her caregivers hold her close and tell her that her mama and papa said “no”–they didn’t want her–and I’m so consumed with grief and sorrow for her sake that I cannot bear it. The […]
Recipe for a Sad Heart
Ingredients: 1 quart anticipation 1 cup excitement 1 T fear 3 t hope 1 adorable little girl 1 gloomy medical diagnosis (aniridia, explained below) Whole bowl sadness Dash guilt Instructions: Wake up after a fitful night’s sleep. Anticipation is through-the-roof. Drive through the peachy morning light on the backroads of the Ukraine for 2 hours. […]
Matryoshka Dolls
Today we wait to hear that our paperwork has gone through and that we’ve received the official referral–an invitation to visit the orphanage. We are completely lost when it comes to naming things here in Kiev (and this includes everything, right down to the street names). The letters and symbols are so foreign that we […]