Have you heard of Edgar Müller? He does some darn good street art. I’ve included a video of the making of “The Crevasse.” Mmmm. Check out GOOD’s post on “Finding Arts and Culture”—from DJing to yarn bombing to making documentaries to mixing tapes (which I attempted this past Tuesday). So interesting if you enjoy seeing why […]
Summer Goodness
Every once in a while, you, my dear lovelies, are in need of some good leads. And I take that responsibility seriously. This post is about all things summer. Ready? I’ll divide this up by subject. Enjoy! Tried-and-true recipes: Smitten Kitchen’s Dilled Potato and Pickled Cucumber Salad. The best I’ve found. In fact, I just […]
Say Goodbye to the World You Thought You Lived In
Lordy, I love this. My favorite song of the moment. Mika’s “Any Other World.” And it was even better for the closing credits at the end of “The Good Wife,” Season 2. Have a great weekend, everyone! [Post image: Affected by light 2 by DinkyToys on stock.xchng]
Starting today, I’m at the Wild Goose Festival at Shakori Hills in NC. I hope to see some of you there. For the rest of you, I’ll have a full report in next Tuesday’s post. In the meantime, I think this song (“Someday” by the Plain White T’s) represents the mission of the Goose…and mirrors […]
World Travel From Your Armchair
We’re going on a whirlwind trip to Paris this morning. Grab your Trader Joe’s pain au chocolat and your Nespresso cappuccino for this first video. Are you with me? Isn’t that the coolest thing? Albin Holmqvist is a Stockholm art director and designer who’s come up with three other videos, if you want […]