
All Sorts of Art

Have you heard of Edgar Müller?  He does some darn good street art.  I’ve included a video of the making of “The Crevasse.”

Mmmm.  Check out GOOD’s post on “Finding Arts and Culture”—from DJing to yarn bombing to making documentaries to mixing tapes (which I attempted this past Tuesday).  So interesting if you enjoy seeing why and how artists do things.  If you don’t know what yarn bombing is, take a look-see here or read The New York Times‘ article “Graffiti’s Cozy, Feminine Side.” [Although I’m not sure if I’d call knitting or crocheting “feminine” anymore.]

LOVE these low-tech reverse stencils done by Berry Holz in my backyard, St. Peter, Minnesota.  I haven’t met Ms. Holz.  I simply found her stuff along the way, and have tucked the information away for when Liliana needs a bedroom decor change!

Do you have an aspiring artist in your house?  These quaint and lovely illustrations were done specifically for Small Magazine so little ones can color them.

I found a kid’s foodie magazine called Ingredient.  You can read a sample issue here.  Doesn’t it look outrageously fun?

What have you found that makes you happy?

[Post image: Street Spiral by alexiares on stock.xchng]

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