Hey! Over here! Are you a good listener…an active listener? Or an eye-wandering, bigger-fish-to-fry kind of person? Or an interrupter, like me? [I’m trying, I’m really trying…to SHUT UP! My mind starts whirring when you start talking, and I’m afraid I’ll forget what I’m going to say. Still. I know that’s no excuse!] Here are […]
The Book of Awesome
Collin and Abigail, two Indiana University students, started following Neil Pasricha’s 1000 Awesome Things blog each morning, remarking over the fun (and truth) of the Awesome Thing for that day. When it came time for Valentine’s Day, Collin thought he’d put a little video together for Abigail, with him singing along. Very sweet. Check out […]
Choosing. Really? Seriously?
This story just made me sad. Christian musician Jennifer Knapp took a seven-year hiatus from work because she was exhausted and felt like she needed to figure things out. She felt like she couldn’t be gay and be a Christian. To me, this would be equivalent of all of us saying we can’t be obese […]
Two Questions To Ask Yourself
Good morning, sunshines… A little 2-minute pep talk this morning. If you want to find your true motivation, ask yourself, “What’s my sentence?” Watch here first: Once you watch the video, you’ll understand what I’m saying when I say that the sentence I’m going for is: She encouraged dialogue about sometimes-taboo topics in an open […]
The Weary Kind and All I Want is You
If you read my post about Karen Maezen Miller’s new book Hand Wash Cold yesterday, you’ll know that I’m trying my darnedest to live every day of my life–the one I’ve been so generously given. I have to break it to you, though. Sometimes I get kinda tired. Kinda weary. Kinda discouraged. And then I […]