
Two Questions To Ask Yourself

Good morning, sunshines…

A little 2-minute pep talk this morning.

If you want to find your true motivation, ask yourself, “What’s my sentence?”

Watch here first:

Once you watch the video, you’ll understand what I’m saying when I say that the sentence I’m going for is:

She encouraged dialogue about sometimes-taboo topics in an open and kind manner, so she (and her fellow questioners) might live their lives more truthfully.

And at the end of the day, ask yourself the second question, “Was I better today than yesterday?”

The beauty of these?  You can always change!

You can change your actions and/or attitude.  You can be kinder.  You can monitor your words more closely.  You can say “I’m sorry” more often.  You can listen more, talk less.  You can reserve judgment.  You can forgive.  You can accept.

What would your sentence be?  [And don’t worry, you don’t have to say it out loud yet, but when you’re ready, practice saying it to someone close…]

It might just change your life.

[Post image: Daniel Pink, author of Drive]

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