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Tag: ‘passion’

What Brings You Joy?

What energizes you or causes you joy?  Is it your work?  Your family?  A hobby? I’ve found that if I’m creating or learning something new, I’m enthused for days.  It can be almost anything–a cooking class, a new workout regime, a painting class, a great parenting tip. Right now, I’ve resolved to learn the guitar. […]

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Mini-Retreat: Day One

Last November, I received a Save-the-Date invitation to a Fabulous Women’s Weekend Retreat in West Palm Beach in February of this year.  I blogged about the joy in receiving it here.  Included in the invite was one of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson, which set the tone for the get-together: “Our deepest fear is […]

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Sheer Joy

Do you see that child’s face?  Do you see the wide, blue expanse above her?  Do you see that wide grin of hers? “Look at me!” she squeals, and jumps higher and higher. Who knew a three-year-old could abandon herself to the air like that? I have found such a thing as crystallized joy, and […]

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