The Peruvian department store chain Saga Falabella created a powerful ad awhile back, dealing with one’s need for change. It was brilliant storytelling, in that it both highlighted how brave it is (on a personal level) to embrace change and encouraged (in a roundabout way) its customers to look for change in their stores. At […]
What Brings You Joy?
What energizes you or causes you joy? Is it your work? Your family? A hobby? I’ve found that if I’m creating or learning something new, I’m enthused for days. It can be almost anything–a cooking class, a new workout regime, a painting class, a great parenting tip. Right now, I’ve resolved to learn the guitar. […]
Hello Again
Oh, it’s so good to be back. I’ve missed you sorely. It really took me too long to fix this website and transfer it over to WordPress. I had to learn how to code html and what an ftp client was and how to tweak a logo. In the meantime, I’ve concocted a new Living the […]