In all fairness, if you’re going to read Religion Explained, you might feel the need to read some other book–Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, perhaps–that will tilt the balance the other direction. I, for one, was ready to read Religion Explained. It makes sense to me…and I’m ready to hear the hard truth, as uncomfortable […]
Hallways and Doors
Oh my. I go away for a day, because my body has succumbed to all the terrors of stomach flu, and when I come back, I have a small garden of comments on Tuesday’s post. Let’s see. Before I can explain what’s happened (indeed, I thought that the incident would quite pass without me having […]
Eve: A Novel
I’ve been thinking about how people will receive Eve. An artist always contemplates these things, I guess, before their art’s actual debut. [In my case, it’s not until January.] Certainly, not everyone will like the novel, and that’s to be expected. If you read yesterday’s post, you’ll remember how I explained that everyone has different […]