As I mentioned on Monday, I’m going to be introducing new ways of looking at and interacting with data and information, and if you have already been-there-done-that, I apologize, but perhaps you’ll find that all of this is worth a second or third or fourth look. Maybe not, and that’s okay, too. Today, I’m asking […]
Choosing. Really? Seriously?
This story just made me sad. Christian musician Jennifer Knapp took a seven-year hiatus from work because she was exhausted and felt like she needed to figure things out. She felt like she couldn’t be gay and be a Christian. To me, this would be equivalent of all of us saying we can’t be obese […]
Fighting Hatred With Love
You know what they say (“they” meaning this mysterious group of imaginary grouchy people who float about for the sole purpose of sucking the joy out of life) about not-feeling-butterflies-anymore-once-you-get-married? Well. I’m here to prove them wrong. I received an e-mail from my lovely other half yesterday afternoon, and I was so touched by it […]
Spiritual Grace
Okay. So. I’ve been thinking about our rapid and unsavory judgments of other people, especially in the area of spirituality. [It spills over into the political realm, and so many others as well, but for now, I want to deal with the “religious” aspect.] As you may already know, I come from an extremely conservative […]