Seeing the Everyday
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that I’m trying to do exactly that: see the beauty in the small moments of each day. It takes practice, and when the awareness is there, it leads to astounding meaningfulness.
My friend Kelly told me about this magazine, and I’ve just subscribed. No ads. Nothing except inspirational stories and “timeless content and thoughtful images that capture the essence of everyday life”–the “‘in-between’ moments of parenthood.”
I’m giving it a go. Perhaps you want to, too. If so, you can get further information on their website here.
Have a lovely day. This afternoon, I’m cleaning the hot tub after a long winter’s use, and I’m setting out those 214 native grasses and flowers I bought at our local nature center on Saturday, trying to figure out where they’ll all look the best. Needless to say, they’re teeny tiny, so it’ll be a while before they’re big, blooming plants. [Thanks for the heads-up on the sale, Laura!]