Liliana and I have found the most extraordinary book, beautiful in every way! And guess what? It’s for adults and children. C’mere a minute. You have to see this. Look what author/illustrator Jeannie Baker did with collages and storytelling in her book Mirror. It’s remarkable. Here’s the front cover. If you flip the book over, […]
Weekend Fun
Saturday: Boating on Lake Minnetonka…Sebastian Joe’s, the best ice cream shop EVER, maybe simply because it has that giant climb-all-over tortoise in their garden courtyard…then to Wild Rumpus, a darling children’s bookstore, full of animals and birds and a boat on the ceiling! Sunday: Sushi picnic at the playground. [Post image: Sebastian Joe’s ever-changing ice […]
Turning Four
Just a personal video to share today. You might think we’ve gone all gaga here, and we have…[Have we now entered the zone of mile-high, accordion-style photos cascading from a wallet when someone asks us, “Do you have pictures of your little girl?”] See Monday’s post if you’re confused…
I’ve never reposted before, but I thought that today might be a good day to do so. Today is Liliana’s fourth birthday. She’s been with us not quite two years. She is such a delight, and we love her immensely. [Happy Birthday, sweet girl!] Almost two years ago, we were having a heck of a […]
Fourth of July Weekend
Have you heard of the Hipstamatic iPhone app? It’s strange, isn’t it–that now we’re tickled with that old-time, discolored look? Here’s our weekend in pictures. Not a complete album, but a few peeks nonetheless. Trips to Fleet Farm (a home/farm supply place) to buy supplies to fix a mailbox bashed in by teenaged vandals. Sleeping […]