The Book of Genesis by R. Crumb came across my desk this week. Who knew? R. Crumb illustrates the whole of Genesis, using the unabridged words of the Bible. I’d give you more pictorial examples; however, I’m not sure who in my audience will be offended at seeing nudity, so I’ll hold off. [I’m showing […]
The New Prague Book Club
Okay, so on a whim I decided to accept a few invitations to book clubs. I attended one last week, which was a little like joining life-long friends, because the discussion was so lively. Very fun. I’ve included a picture of the group on my Facebook page for Eve here. Last night I went to […]
Recipes for Eve
To the rescue! For those of you who are reading Eve with your book clubs, I offer up another resource. Recipes from the Middle East! Now you can nosh and gab all in one night, and people, what could be better than that? You can find a list of culinary ideas in my all-new Recipes […]
Finding Darwin’s God
At the suggestion of Clara, one of my former students, I attended Dr. Kenneth Miller’s lecture on Finding Darwin’s God and Only a Theory (referring to Intelligent Design) last night at St. Kate’s in St. Paul. Amazing talk. Wow, if you’ve never heard him speak, do so. He talked for almost an hour and a […]