So. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the role of doubt in faith lately, namely because I have a talk to give on June 23rd at the Wild Goose Festival in NC. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve lived with doubt for a long time now (well, ever since I wrote Eve). It’s a […]
The Power of Love
Before I begin, I want to acknowledge the fact that you, my dear reader, may disagree strongly with me on the issue I’m raising today. And that’s quite all right. I just wanted to present you with another side of the story—how the power of love works, in all situations. I’m talking about same-sex marriage, […]
The Spider and the Sage
This is dedicated to my sister Amy who gives and gives and gives. Some people appreciate it; some don’t. But she keeps giving anyway. Worse, she’s misunderstood. A lot. And that makes my heart hurt. This story reminded me of you, Ames! I love you. [Post image: Amy with one of our beagles, September 2009]
What Your Brain Does (and Doesn’t) Perceive
Stephen Hawking offered up a great analogy in his newest book, The Grand Design. You start with a goldfish in a bowl and a person outside the bowl. The person walks in a straight line, but the goldfish, because of its perspective, sees the person walk in a curved line. Whose reality is correct? Well, […]