Where do I begin? What a wonderful event! [Thanks to all the creators, organizers, speakers, and volunteers—it’s a job well done!] The Goose, modeled after the long-running Greenbelt Festival in the UK, was an attempt to gather people of all walks of life together, in one place, knowing not everyone would agree, but encouraging amicable […]
Shoveling Snow with Buddha
I’m away for the weekend, attending (and speaking at) the Wild Goose Festival in NC. I laugh every time I read this poem. It’s so delightfully simple in its storytelling, yet so profound. May we all live life so well! Here’s “Shoveling Snow with Buddha” by Billy Collins: Isn’t that great? I love what Collins […]
Starting today, I’m at the Wild Goose Festival at Shakori Hills in NC. I hope to see some of you there. For the rest of you, I’ll have a full report in next Tuesday’s post. In the meantime, I think this song (“Someday” by the Plain White T’s) represents the mission of the Goose…and mirrors […]
When “Dad” is Another Word for Love
One of my greatest fears about parenting, way back when, was the possibility of being a single parent in a married relationship. I know plenty of mothers who are. Maybe it hasn’t been the case with us because we agreed not to let such a thing happen. Maybe it’s because we waited 18 years to […]