Today, I’m posting a piece I wrote a while back. I’m pretty sure it was for a children’s writing contest entitled, “What it Means to Have a Book Available in Another Culture or Language.” Our essays had to speak to that question. Mine really only spoke to culture, which is one of the reasons it […]
Making Kind Choices
A couple of years ago, Dan and I were watching Jesus Camp (which needs its own separate review, and which I have neither the stamina nor the strength to review here…there are so many astonishingly appalling things said in that movie…I wouldn’t know where to begin!) when there was a scene of a mother and […]
Cloud Cult
A year ago, Dan and I went to a Cloud Cult concert at First Avenue in Minneapolis where they were doing selections from Feel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes). They’re an unusual band, with violin and oboe in tow–a sort of “indie-rock chamber orchestra”–and the starts of their songs sound like movie overtures sometimes, heartbreakingly […]
The Girl in the Cafe
We had movie club on Friday night and showed The Girl in the Cafe–which Dan and I had seen before and loved. If you’ve ever seen Bill Nighy in anything (Love Actually is one of Dan’s and my favorites), or Kelly MacDonald in anything (she was Josh Brolin’s wife in No Country for Old Men), […]
Miniature Fairy Gardens & Fairy Hats
Liliana and I have just mailed a box of acorn caps to my friend Clare and her daughter, Isabelle, to use as fairy hats (or whatever other clever devices they come up with!). Which has started me thinking about what special projects I should do with Liliana this summer, because as all you Northerners know, […]