I tell the following story not as an inspirational one, in the sense that you’ll feel happy at the end of it, but as an urgent heartfelt plea to change what we’re doing with our children. I have a friend–let’s call her M.–who wrote me an e-mail the other day. She had a genuine question […]
John Updike’s “Seven Stanzas at Easter”
Bevin, a friend from Georgia whom I’ve never officially met, sent this lovely poem to me through Facebook. Thanks, Bevin! What I didn’t know, until I did a little research, is that John Updike won “Best in Show” in a church writing contest with it, when he was a Harvard graduate attending Clifton Lutheran Church […]
Brahms & Vivaldi
As I was driving home from Dr. Kenneth Miller’s talk up in St. Paul on Wednesday night, I listened to Brahms’ German Requiem. Having the almost-full moon peer down at me through my sunroof, it was an exuberant soul experience, let me tell you. It does the same thing to me that Vivaldi’s “Gloria in […]
Finding Darwin’s God
At the suggestion of Clara, one of my former students, I attended Dr. Kenneth Miller’s lecture on Finding Darwin’s God and Only a Theory (referring to Intelligent Design) last night at St. Kate’s in St. Paul. Amazing talk. Wow, if you’ve never heard him speak, do so. He talked for almost an hour and a […]