What I’ve Been Up To
See that swimmer in the above picture? Yep. Not me. That’s what I’ll look like soon, though. I’ve been practicing. This past weekend, I took the most amazing two-day swim workshop sponsored by Total Immersion and the YWCA of Minneapolis. Total Immersion’s claim is that they’ll teach you to be efficient in the water, so you’ll swim with little or no effort…and it works! Amazing! It’s one less thing to worry about during the sprint triathlon I’m working toward. Yay! [Form first, speed later.]
Now I have a two-hour runner’s evaluation next Friday. [Did I tell you I loathe running?] But I think there may be some solutions for my predicament–with an above-mentioned evaluation and a new technique called ChiRunning. Fab, huh?
On the biking front, I just got fitted for my road bike yesterday. Acquired new pedals, clip-on bike shoes, the works. I’m set! Watch out, world!
Next up. I’ve just started The Evolution of God by Robert Wright, which I’m reading with a bunch of new friends, and we’ll discuss online. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m about 70 pages in.
Tomorrow, my lovely mother is flying in to visit for a week. We’re planning relaxing, fun-filled days. Can anyone say Dodge County Fair on Sunday afternoon?
I’ve just finished the most amazing vegan cookbook–Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero–where the authors break everything down for a newbie. We’re thinking of making that transition. It’s a lot of work at first (in that awkward learning stage), but I think it’ll be healthier for us in the long run…
So much going on. So much to learn. How could anyone, possibly, be bored EVER?
I hope your weekend is filled with new discoveries and new learning–whatever that means for you!