
The Swell Season

If you saw the delightful and sweet movie Once (guy-meets-girl through a passion for music) and loved all the songs, you’ll want to check out The Swell Season’s Strict Joy, Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová’s new collaboration.  You can stream or download their concert in Washington, D. C. here.  The entire album Strict Joy can be heard here, and at this same location you can view them performing “A Tiny Desk Concert” in the NPR Music Offices.

Hansard is the frontman for an Irish band called The Frames, and Irglová is a classically trained singer who lends the tender warbling harmonizations.

In 2008, they won an Oscar for their song “Falling Slowly.”

If you’ve never heard it, you have to.  I insist.

Turn it up.  It’ll break your heart.  Don’t ask me why.  It just will.

One last thing.

Do you want to see something extraordinarily charming?  That has nothing to do with the above but is as equally lovely?

Kristen Wicklund is an artist who dips crocheted cotton lace in liquid porcelain.  After firing, where the fabric is burned away, she’s left with a hollow porcelain bowl.  So creative.  You can view more samples here.

If you’re in Manhattan, she’s showing at Greenwich House Pottery until December 20.

[Photo credit: Design*Sponge site]

Don’t forget.  Today is the last day to enter the Gratitude Journal Giveaway here!

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