
Out of Your Own Heart

Patience, dahlings, patience.  I’ll tell you all about last night’s Susan Enan concert on Tuesday.  I need time to compose my happy thoughts (and pictures).

In the meantime, I give you a gift.  Actually, the gift is none of my doing.  It’s one of Mary Oliver’s astute pieces.  Oh, how I love how she puts things!

I Want to Write Something So Simply
Mary Oliver

I want to write something
so simply
about love
or about pain
that even
as you are reading
you feel it
and as you read
you keep feeling it
and though it be my story
it will be common,
though it be singular
it will be known to you
so that by the end
you will think—
no, you will realize—
that it was all the while
yourself arranging the words,
that it was all the time
words that you yourself,
out of your own heart
had been saying.

Happy sigh.  That’s my dream for my writing.

[Post image: Reading on the porch by hortongrou on stock.xchng]


  1. clare
    Oct 30, 2011

    That should be the litmus test of effective writing, shouldn’t it?

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